Natural Networks, Inc.

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Malvertising Slams Popular Sites: Tens of Thousands Likely Infected

On March 15, 2015 tens of thousands of computers were infected with crypto ransomware and other malware after a malicious advertisements managed to slip onto mainstream websites such as the New York ...

Making the Migration – Switching to Office 365

As a small business owner, establishing an effective data access & sharing platform that productively unites you with all your contributing partners is likely a top priority. Microsoft Office 365 provides you with the online hosting platform, however migrations from ...

What Are the Benefits of a Cloud Infrastructure?

For years, businesses have used servers, server rooms, and various hardware to house all of their data. As changes were made to the company structure, the servers and hardware needed to be changed. One problem with this was that various ...

Is Windows 10 Spying On Us or Not?

There has been a lot of confusion regarding what Windows 10 is and is not doing to your computer after you download it. If you believe all of the hype, then Windows 10 is making a copy of all of ...

Can You Attend This Funeral?

A Funeral for Flash It should be safe to say that Adobe’s Flash Player has certainly run its course. But why is it still running? This flawed technology’s time has been ...

Why You Can’t Skip Encryption

When it comes to your company’s valuable and sensitive data, encryption plays a crucial role. Even small businesses are subject to the Data Protection Act, which is designed to ensure your customer’s personal data does not get lost or stolen. ...

What Makes Amazon Web Services the Right Choice?

There’s no better feeling than building revenue and cutting down operational costs when you’re a business owner. Virtual technology is saving space in your office by cutting down the need for physical servers and you can benefit from the fast ...

Who Will Defend Your Right to Privacy in 2016’s Presidential Campaign?

To a business owner, encryption is a crucial component to maintain a successful reputation. It allows you to securely protect your data, such as corporate secrets and your customer’s personal information, against hackers and malware.

5 Essential Business Travel Apps

5 Fantastic Apps to Eliminate Stress from Your Travels Planning a trip soon? Whether it is for business or pleasure, these 5 powerful travel apps will help you get from ...

Natural Networks is Growing

We are pleased to announce our expansion into a new data center. Effective January 1, 2011, Natural Networks will be expanding our networks to include a new data center in Kearny Mesa. This state-of-the-art facility will allow us to increase ...