We've all heard of The Cloud by now, but knowing all of the intricacies involved and knowing what it can do for you can be ambiguous.  The Cloud can offer business' of all sizes a unique advantage in organizing and accessing an assortment of services, and data securely.  Software as a Service or SaaS is becoming an ever larger part of organizations everyday.  We'll explore a variety of  services and opportunities that The Cloud can offer you, and help you to decide if utilizing a private cloud for your company is the right move for you.

What Services Can The Cloud Provide

The Cloud is an umbrella term that actually covers a variety of different internet based services.  Utilizing a private cloud can give you secure access to your data from anywhere you can access the internet.  A company hosts your data in a secure and private data center, where it can be accessed from accounts set up for you.

Software-as-a-Service is also popular for those that want to control and deploy software to their users from one area.  As the owner of your business you can control which users gain what software, and only pay for the licenses you use.  You and your employee's can access your cloud applications and collaborate on work stored in The Cloud.

Some popular Software as a Service providers include:

Microsoft Office365 - Microsoft has one of the most robust office production software products available.  Microsoft Office is a staple to any work environment looking to building simple word documents to sophisticated email and scheduling apps like Outlook.  Microsoft now offers all of their most popular office products online now through Office 365.

Google - If you've used Google's popular Gmail service then you may already be familiar with the online applications they offer as well.  Google includes with any account, access to their online tools which include an online word processor, spread sheets like Excel, and they also offer storage space on a private cloud for Gmail users and those who upgrade their subscriptions to a G Suite account.

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) is also a unique offer that the cloud can offer your business.  Imagine having a secure remote area where you can log into from anywhere which contains all the software you need.  The service provider, like Natural Networks for example, provides the remote desktop infrastructure and logins, and the business owner maintains control through the provider over the accounts, emails, desktop items, and software.

The Top Benefits The Cloud Can Offer You

  1. Security is one of the highest regarded benefits to any individual or organization that utilizes Cloud services.  Housing your business infrastructure inside a Cloud solution is far more secure than keeping your physical servers, and Data locally stored in an office.  The Cloud can protect your data in situations where your office may be broken into, or in case of a fire.  Keeping your data off-site will always ensure that you and your organization will be ready in case of disaster.
  2. Mobility is another benefit that storing your information in the Cloud offers to you and your team.  Storing your data in the cloud means you and your team can access said data from anywhere you can access the internet.
  3. Manageability is made significantly easier in a Cloud based environment.  The service provider controls all aspects of the Cloud based system, and can quickly and easily manage software, users, and data to your exact specifications.
  4. No Maintenance is required on your part in the Cloud environment as well.  The company providing your Cloud service takes care of maintaining the IT infrastructure at all times.  This eliminates the need for you to keep physical servers at your office at all.
  5. Accessibility to your data and software from anywhere you have access to the internet is one of the best features the Cloud offers. The Cloud is capable of keeping your data available and at your fingertips when you need it most.

Natural Networks has been a Cloud Service and Managed IT provider for over 20 years, supplying Hosted Network Desktop as a Service, and Cloud support.  If you want to learn more about how Cloud services can benefit you or your organization send us a request for information at sales@naturalnetworks.com!